Hôtel L'Étape
You may choose to stay either in the outbuilding of the Bastide or in the main hotel. We have single or family rooms, and offer many alternatives. 1 room is equipped for disabled people. Free wifi.
Free for child under 12 years old.
At your disposal: a swimming pool (including 1 paddling pool for child) , and secure car parking.
General information
Opening times and Prices
All year round.
Reception hours:
Monday 7:30am to 10pm
Tuesday to Friday, 6.30am to 10pm.
Saturday and Sunday from 7:30am to 11am.
Double room: 89 €.
À propos
Nombre de chambres :34Chambre(s)
Facilities and Services
Ranking, label and recommendation
Accessibility and disability
Salles de réunion
Show map
Hôtel L'Étape
793 rue Pierre BellotRoute de GardanneCD 6 - Quartier la Salle
13320 Bouc-Bel-Air