Aix downtown Bus station
To find out about bus timetables on the metropolitan network, please contact the information service for service users on 0 800 713 137.
For information on the regional transport network, contact ZOU on 0413943050 or
Practical information :
➜ The drop-off point is behind the bus station, at the end of boulevard Victor Coq at the roundabout.
➜ Free public toilets
➜ Taxi rank available.
➜ Wifi available in the passenger area
➜ On sale on board: 1-trip ticket, round-trip ticket
General information
Opening times and Prices
Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 6.30 am and 7.30 pm. On Sunday between 7.30 am and 6.30 pm.
Public holidays: Sunday opening hours.
Means of payment :
➜ Cash: a top-up is required, the ticket office does not make change
➜ CB (visa, MasterCard): on all LER lines of the Zou network, on the Le car 38, 40, 50, 51, 53, 69, 72, 100 and 240 lines of the "la métropole mobilité" network, on all lines of the Le bus/ Aix-en-bus network
➜ Contactless payment: on Le bus / Aix en bus network buses, Ulysse and Le car 40, 50 and 91 lines.
Facilities and Services
Accessibility and disability
Salles de réunion
Show map
Gare routière Aix centre
6 boulevard Coq
13100 Aix-en-Provence